Fun times China

China, China, China... My love and hate for you are almost equal. You're a fascinating place that is changing rapidly. To see all of you would take years. Rich in history with delicious food, I'm sure to never forget you. So to say good bye I'm going to highlight a few things that provided endless laughs and amazement.
Spitting inside buildings, busses and trains
Tee shirts pulled up over your bellies, and rubbing said belly
Staring, oh the endless staring
Shoving your kids in front of us to have their picture taken with us
Creepily sneaking photos of us
Whole families on one scooter Yes, all five of you
Sleeper trains that reak of instant noodles
Pollution so horrible that it's hard to breath
Food that no humans should ever consume
Shoving and pushing to be first to get anywhere and everywhere
Cutting in 'line' at any possible chance
And shirts that make no sense like... 
 - Just be myself robin hood
 - What I'm doing, I don't know, next in
 - Smile sign is nature, refull, bottomind