Textures and patterns abound

After stressing about how to get into Thailand from the Perhentian Islands we decided to travel across Malaysia one more time before heading north. Heading up from Penang would prove to be an easier route to our first couple destinations in Thailand so we crossed the Malaysia for our 4th time.

Once we arrived we took off to outside the city to see the Tropical Spice Garden and Penang Butterfly farm. Both proved to be a delight, and taught us a bit more about the world around us. It makes you sad knowing how much of the tropical rainforest is being torn down when you see how many of these plants have medicinal qualities, and how many have never even been tested yet.

 Afterwards we continued to the Penang Butterfly farm where we saw thousands of butterflies in all their different stages of life. It was fun walking around with thousands of butterflies fluttering all around you. They also had a great little exhibit highlighting beetles, cockroaches and other creepy crawlers like the glow-in the dark scropions.