Going up! Part 2

After a small break we took a walk around the mountain and found the base for our third and fourth climbs. We strapped up and got right to work. Cassie started climbing like she was a pro, right foot here, left hand their, right hand above that and before we knew it she was enjoying the view from the top. I'm personally not a huge fan of her doing so well because it makes me look bad. 

The nice thing about going second though is you sort of get a clue on what path is of lease resistance. Not that it really helps though, because once you hit the wall it all washes away with the task at hand. I held onto that wall for dear life slowly making my way up and around it's ragged edges. Once I reached the top, I could finally stop cursing the wall and enjoy the views below. Which, I can only describe as breathtaking.

Cassie and I both climbed the fourth wall like little geckos. Grabbing the smallest liitle nook and crannies to pull ourselves up and around bends. Stablizing our big toe on the smallest little ledge to give us a base to work from. The feeling is exhilerating and exhausting, but the reward at top when you've made it is pure bliss!

After a quick dip our guide started to show us how he get's down.. or up.. or sideways. He starting bouldering and made it look effortless. I'm pretty sure there were a few times he was holding up his whole body with only one finger. Insanely impressive he had quite the crowd enthralled.