Sounds of the train


After roughly a half day on this old rickety train we finally arrived in Pyin Oo Lwin. The ride was exhausting but beautiful. We chugged across Myanmar crossing deep valleys, rivers and little villages picking up passengers along the way. Half way through the trip we were blessed with a group of young kids who played guitar and sang songs together. Certainly one of the highlights of our trip looking back on it now. With no cell phones, Facebook or Twitter to distract these kids they were truly just enjoying the moment. Sorry I don't have the audio of them signing but the sound of the train was to loud to get a good recording. 


On the tracks


On our last day in Yangon we set out on the local train which circles the ever expanding city. After reading a few reviews online, we knew our final goal of circling the city might not come to fruitition; trains are known to only go a few stops before stopping and or backtracking and never making it all the way around Yangon. Well, never worrying about where we might end up, we set out for the train to see what was outside the city center. We were quite hopeful when we passed stop after stop still traveling north, but like all good things that come to an end, so did our ride. As the train squeaked to it's final stop and most passengers exited the rickety train, we sat hopeful and waited for our return ride home.


What we got in the meantime was an excited group of kids in the train next to us laughing and smiling at the weird foreigners stuck on a train in the middle of no where. The photographic bunch filled our hour with laughter and welcoming smiles. Then like a trusty old car, the engine started and we we're heading south back to the city waving goodbye to all the Burmese kids we just met.
