Home Cooked

One night I started thinking about all the wonderful things I'm going to miss about not having an apartment to come home to every night. One thing missed dearly will be all the home cooked meals I've come to enjoy all my life. So I decided to document some of my favorite meals that I will certainly come to miss. I'm going to start off with breakfast. By far my favorite meal of the day and rightfully so, it contains all the essentials, like bacon, eggs & OJ. While I've made all sorts of wonderful things my all time favorite is the simple and classic McMuffin. 

Secondly I'll add another one of my all time favorites. Pizza, I'm not going to say this is a lunch or dinner meal, because obviously it should be consumed anytime of the day. Breakfast, lunch or dinner. These home made pies were delicous and I can still taste them now. 

Last but not least are Cassie's chocolate chip cookies. These are a staple to our diets. Why? Because they are delicious and desert is another essential meal not to be forgotten. Over the years my sweetie has prefected these cookies and I've been a more than willing taste tester.